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Anatolia offers various programs and activities to engage the community, raise awareness about different cultural traditions, and promote diversity and inclusivity within the community. We organize cultural art courses, language courses, cultural fairs, movie nights, and cross-cultural events to promote cultural exchange. Join us in our upcoming events to learn more about different cultures and traditions.

Art & Sport Programs

Diversity Festivals

Weekend & After Schools

Anatolia holds art exhibitions to showcase the rich cultural heritage of colors. We believe in preserving and promoting the art and culture of the Anatolia to build bridges between different cultures.

Anatolia organizes cultural festivals to celebrate the diverse cultural traditions. Join us in our festivals to experience the rich and vibrant culture of Anatolia.

Anatolia offers courses to encourage people to learn different languages and appreciate different cultures. Join us in our language courses to learn a new language and make new friends.


Anatolia believes that by promoting and preserving cultural heritage, we can make a positive impact on the world. Join us today to make a difference by volunteering or donating to our cause.

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25351 Commercentre Dr, #100 Lake Forest, CA 92630

(657) 345-5760


© 2024 Anatolia Cultural Centers. All Rights Reserved

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